Coffee Habits For 2023

With 2022 now behind us, some of you may have thought about or already started your New Year’s resolutions. Quite often we will put together a list of 10 big life-changes we wish to make. What often happens is that the grandeur of these ideas overwhelms us and before January’s even over, most of us have given up on our resolutions. The good news is that it is possible to make resolutions become life-long habits! You don’t need to make these big, bold statements that make you feel as though you’re climbing Everest. You can break these down into smaller, achievable goals with a greater goal in mind! If you’re a coffee enthusiast (like us!) then you may want to make some changes to your coffee habits. To help you out, we’ve put together some suggestions below!

1.   Start using a re-useable cup

As a planet, we are becoming more eco-minded. We can see the effects of pollution and (inadvertently) global warming before our very eyes. In Scotland, roughly 560,000 out of 7 million disposable cups in the UK are used. That’s 204.4 million a year, in Scotland alone! You can do your part to tackle climate change by investing in a reusable cup. Most of them cost £5-£10 and can be bought from your local coffee shop or supermarket. There are some other benefits to using your own cup as well. Most coffee shops will offer a discount on reusable cups. The coffee (subjectively) tastes better as well, as you don’t get that paper taste usually found in single-use cups. On top of that, nothing feels more satisfying than drinking a good coffee in your own cup. Overall, this is a great, easy way you can make a positive impact on the climate and help tackle reduce pollution in our planet.

2.   Buy SPECIALTY coffee

The specialty coffee scene has been on the go as far back as the late 1970s and has only been in the UK for the past 20 years. You may notice that the price of coffee is fractionally more than places that sell commodity grade coffee. What this means is that the coffee has been sold at an auction for the lowest possible price, having a knock-on effect on the welfare of the producers. Specialty coffee roasters mostly buy their coffee directly from producers and smallholders and the producer decides on the price of the coffee. This means that they keep most of the profits, rather than paying fees to middlemen in the supply chain, such as auction fees – which can be the difference of putting food on their table, in some cases. Most specialty coffee shops are small, independent businesses. As well as making a difference in the lives of those producing the coffee, you will also find that the quality of the coffee is much better.

Keep your eyes out for part two of ‘Coffee Habits For 2023’!

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 Simon Burnett


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